
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Mefloquin Monday

August 1, 2011
One week left until I swear in as an official Volunteer!  I feel like the time has gone so fast and so slow all at the same time.  Time is funny that way.  And to be honest, my perception of time here is so askew.  I am so used to living my life based on the number on the clock and it is still how I am living, but relying so heavily on a watch doesn’t mesh so well with how people must live their lives here.  In a country like Swaziland with such limited electricity (or for those with electricity: no late night tv or 24hr news the sun is the only watch that matters.  Sundown is a strict curfew here, and even if it wasn’t, there is nothing to do after dark anyways.  So my African life consists of me waking up way too early, going to sleep pathetically early, and counting how many weeks I have been here based on the number of once-a-week Mefloqin malaria pills I have swallowed.   Even though the days seem to go on forever, especially the days we have language class for 5 straight hours, I cannot believe that I took my 8th pill yesterday.  Have I really been here for two whole months.. WOW!!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds awesome Kelly! I'm glad your enjoying it! I miss you and be safe :)
